Ending Loneliness Directory

Do you feel lonely?

Approximately 5 million Australians, of all ages and backgrounds, feel lonely.
Our need to connect with others is a part of being human.
There are things we can do to feel less lonely, and in turn live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.
You can search our national directory to find groups, organisations and services that will help you, or someone you know, connect with others and build meaningful relationships.
Ending Loneliness Directory is a new search tool developed in partnership with Infoxchange (view terms and conditions of use). We are working to expand the number of programs and services listed, so you can locate the range of options available.

Search results are intended as a guide only, and are not an endorsement of the information, program or service listed.

Add your service to the directory

If your community organisation or service supports people experiencing loneliness and enables social connection, you can add your details to the directory by completing the form.